Sunday, October 25, 2009

What we can do about it??

There are many calamities we are experiencing today.And we can do something to do about it.Because of our fault the mother earth is suffering and we are also experiencing it.Many people died and many lost their properties.We still have time to save the earth in some little tree planting and proper segregation of our this ways we can still make our life back in normal and in peace.If we build a better community and we cooperate in the projects of our community to help people who suffered in the calamities and it will help to avoid these bad and worst problems we experience in the present.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

. What challenge did you take?

The challenge I take is to recite once in our class.

b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?

Yes ,I feel happy because I really don't recite in our class.
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

I realize that I can do something if I really try to do it.And I learned that challenging myself is a good thing to do.

2. Assignment for next meeting
a. Read about the effects of smoking.
b. Watch the film “An Inconvenient Truth”, staring Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim. On the journal, write your reaction to the movie:
- The most striking scene in the movie
- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie
- Your realization after watching the movie
- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment

The most striking scene in the movie is the melting of ice,I felt that we are bad stewardess of the world,because we are the cause of the problems of what the world facing now.I realize that we can still do something about it.and for that I really need to do some actions,even in just some little ways.The specific action that i can commit is segregating my trashes and simply cleaning our place and planting trees in our community.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.

One experience I have experienced negative peer pressure is smoking.

. How did you react to it? Why?

I said I don't like,because I know the negative effect on it to my health.

. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?

I feel strong because I never let my peer to influence me,and I know to my self what is right so I can say a big NO to them..

. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

I learned that it is on your hand if you want them to influence you..I also realize that if you can say no to them you're just showing that you just simply love your self so you just want to avoid it.
I'm really conscious about my health,I never smoke or get drunk.,I eat fruits and drink juices.
I really don't want to have illness or disease because of bad vises,so I'm avoiding them.My plans are having lot of rest because I sleep late and give my self time to do what I enjoy so I will not become stress,like watching movies,shopping,etc just every thing I really enjoy.I also want to be active in sports so I'll become more energetic and build my self confidence,like tennis or badminton.
I just want to have a healthy living so I 'll really take care of my self.
“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished” is studying how to play keyboard on my own with out taking piano lesson.It is challenging because I know nothing about it,but still I learned to play it right.I'm giving my best to pursue this, so someday I can perform piano or to be with an orchestra my biggest dream that hoping will be come true someday.This challenge help me to practice my patience and hard work to accomplish a task.
1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

I realize that my positive characteristics will make me to be successful someday and will make me to loved by others.

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation,
- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
- when you commit mistake;
- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and
- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

I want that they will not laugh at me every time I'm committing mistake,they will listen to my opinion so I 'll also listen to them..And i want that they'll give me a chance to express my feelings,so every thing will be fine every time I'm with them..

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

I will respect all the people in MCL.Because I know that when I respect them they will also respect me and will help me every time that I will approach them.

Monday, August 10, 2009

How do you describe a responsible person?

I can say that a responsible person is the one that know to stand alone knowing that no one is coming to rescue.That person know what is right and what is wrong.He will give his best shot in everything he will do.Being responsible can able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior and able to be trusted or depended upon or being reliable.

What are your responsibilities

a) at home,

My responsibilities at home are cleaning and making it a better place to live.,taking care of my siblings and doing house chores.

b) in school

My responsibility in school is to study and listen to my prof every time there is a discussion.

c) in your community?

My responsibility in our community is, joining or cooperate in the projects of the community,like cleaning,tree planting ,etc..that will help to make the community a safer to live in.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What challenge did I take?

there are lots of challenges i take...In school,home,and many more..

but the most challenging for me is my study..I find it a big challenge for me, because my whole life and career are depending in my study..still I'm trying my best to overcome this challenge or to be successful to fulfill this challenge.

I realize that to overcome this challenge is feeling good,,not only for me but also to all people that I'm with..those people who help me to be successful to win this challenge as a student....
This challenge helps me to learn many things,,specially things will help me to become a good and successful person someday..So i really value this challenge...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

If I will have one outstanding virtue,, i will ask for patient,.because if I have this virtue..I know I can things right and with excellence..And patient is a in this virtue there is hard work in each task that i can do..I want everything to be followed according to my plans,,but I know there are things that are not really meant to be ,,but if i have patient I can see all the thing in positive ways..

Monday, June 29, 2009


My first week here in MCL,
I really feel alone because,I don't have a close friend yet..but when time goes by..I meet new friends, new faces or new people...and i feel welcome in this new community..but i still adjusting in this new environment because this is different from my high school life..Very different in my friends in high school ,my teachers, and kind of life style in high school...but still i enjoying this new adventure in my life..


My professors are all approachable,and kind...They are really making me to be independent and eager to study or to be serious in college...They may be really very strict but in effect me i n the very good way...

my blockmates!!

My blockmates are funny and energetic...We may be all different in attitude and traits.,but still we can relate to each other or we can understand each other in very good way..Well some are very makulit and some are very serious..but everyone have good relationship to each other

my course

Drawing is really challenging to me and math..Drawing is difficult and math also..I;m not good in drawing in the things we draw in this course all i can draw is i find it difficult..And in math...actually I'm really not good at math thats all..I'm just an average student in my former school..But I'll give all my vest to past all my courses...


I really still adjusting..I really miss Canossa bacause that is my School for 9 years..I miss my friends my very very old friends in that school..And i also adjusting in the new kind of study habbit..because in order to pass all my courses i really need to be serious and i need study well..but i know i can do it..And i can enjoy my college life here in MALAYAn..

Monday, June 22, 2009

values education

Values education is an advantge for for me as a student to learn proper act as a student,as a daughter and as one of the community here.It is a basic learnings that will help me to become a successful someday.It will be a way to communicate to other people properly.

My first week here in MCL,I know now how to adjust in this new environment and new community.I know what are the rules and the laws so it will help me to communicate to the people here in MCL,based on my few experiences it will help me to achieve successful adustment in college.

High School is really different from college life!In college you should be independent and be more eager to learn if you really want to be successful in life.I prepared myself in this kind of life style..unlike in high school even you just give a little effort in every thing you do you will pass,but here in college I should give my best shot and more effort in everything I I will pass and be succesful in life..