Monday, August 10, 2009

How do you describe a responsible person?

I can say that a responsible person is the one that know to stand alone knowing that no one is coming to rescue.That person know what is right and what is wrong.He will give his best shot in everything he will do.Being responsible can able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior and able to be trusted or depended upon or being reliable.

What are your responsibilities

a) at home,

My responsibilities at home are cleaning and making it a better place to live.,taking care of my siblings and doing house chores.

b) in school

My responsibility in school is to study and listen to my prof every time there is a discussion.

c) in your community?

My responsibility in our community is, joining or cooperate in the projects of the community,like cleaning,tree planting ,etc..that will help to make the community a safer to live in.

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