Monday, June 29, 2009


My first week here in MCL,
I really feel alone because,I don't have a close friend yet..but when time goes by..I meet new friends, new faces or new people...and i feel welcome in this new community..but i still adjusting in this new environment because this is different from my high school life..Very different in my friends in high school ,my teachers, and kind of life style in high school...but still i enjoying this new adventure in my life..


My professors are all approachable,and kind...They are really making me to be independent and eager to study or to be serious in college...They may be really very strict but in effect me i n the very good way...

my blockmates!!

My blockmates are funny and energetic...We may be all different in attitude and traits.,but still we can relate to each other or we can understand each other in very good way..Well some are very makulit and some are very serious..but everyone have good relationship to each other

my course

Drawing is really challenging to me and math..Drawing is difficult and math also..I;m not good in drawing in the things we draw in this course all i can draw is i find it difficult..And in math...actually I'm really not good at math thats all..I'm just an average student in my former school..But I'll give all my vest to past all my courses...


I really still adjusting..I really miss Canossa bacause that is my School for 9 years..I miss my friends my very very old friends in that school..And i also adjusting in the new kind of study habbit..because in order to pass all my courses i really need to be serious and i need study well..but i know i can do it..And i can enjoy my college life here in MALAYAn..

Monday, June 22, 2009

values education

Values education is an advantge for for me as a student to learn proper act as a student,as a daughter and as one of the community here.It is a basic learnings that will help me to become a successful someday.It will be a way to communicate to other people properly.

My first week here in MCL,I know now how to adjust in this new environment and new community.I know what are the rules and the laws so it will help me to communicate to the people here in MCL,based on my few experiences it will help me to achieve successful adustment in college.

High School is really different from college life!In college you should be independent and be more eager to learn if you really want to be successful in life.I prepared myself in this kind of life style..unlike in high school even you just give a little effort in every thing you do you will pass,but here in college I should give my best shot and more effort in everything I I will pass and be succesful in life..